Break free from generational programming.

The energy and beliefs you grew up with become a very big part of who you are.

Even if those beliefs and energies no longer resonate with who you are today, they still hold some relevance.

Often times you don’t even know how deeply these beliefs were ingrained in you, and they may be the answer to why you have had trouble manifesting what you want.

Generational patterning goes deep, affecting your DNA and the many ways you navigate the world.

In order to untangle yourself you must first go within and get really honest about the beliefs you hold.

Ask yourself if you want to continue believing from someone else’s belief systems and if so do they serve the identity you want to live from?

Start connecting the dots from your beliefs to what others have told you, and you can sort out the ones that aren’t your truth.

Even diseases that are considered hereditary can be eradicated by not living the same way and believing that you will contract them.

You are so powerful you can directly affect the energy you were born into by deciding for yourself what beliefs you will let go of and what new ones you will adopt.

You no longer have to live from dysfunctional and limited beliefs just because you grew up with them.

A belief is just a thought you keep thinking that sends the signal to what you continue to experience.

You can free yourself and live a much better and empowering story.

Get curious about what you believe, and you will find the power to no longer live from those that make you less of who you truly are.

May be an image of nature and horizon