

Wednesday, July 24, 2024 Don't Lose Faith

Don’t lose faith.No matter what your life is presenting right now it is an important part of what you need to become more.Every challenge, every mistake, and every heartbreak you encounter allows you ...

Wednesday, July 17, 2024 Stop Struggling

You can stop the struggle now.When you are struggling against life it becomes a never-ending exhaustive road.When you wake up every day and treat life like a battlefield you become at war with what’s ...

Monday, July 8, 2024 When Tragedy Strikes

When tragedy strikes.Your world becomes altered.The ground beneath your feet disappears.You can no longer be you because that version of you is gone.You may no longer feel safe or trust that everythin...

Friday, June 28, 2024 Why Things Aren't Getting Better

The reason things may not be getting better for you.If you don’t find that your life is improving, there may be some very simple reasons.Getting caught up in the dramas and problems in life doesn’t al...

Thursday, June 27, 2024 It's Already Done!

What you want is already done.When you decide that you would like something to happen you send out a signal that begins the process of energy creation.As you get more excited and follow your own passi...

Tuesday, June 25, 2024 Protect Your Peace

Protect your peace.To be a better protector of your peace, consider a few things.First, you don’t owe anyone anything, so it would serve you to no longer run around trying to be everything for everyon...

Monday, June 24, 2024 Break The Cycle

Break the cycle.If you are interested in living a better life it would serve you best to start with your very own mind.So much of what doesn’t go well for you starts there first.As you entertain each ...

Friday, June 21, 2024 Becoming The Real You

Becoming the real you.In shedding all the ways you have tried to become what you think the world wants you to be you will allow yourself to be more.By no longer people pleasing but instead listening t...

Tuesday, June 18, 2024 Don't Be Afraid To Move

Don’t be afraid to move.You are always learning and growing.Each event you decide to take part in allows you to expand and grow further.When you are making decisions if something is right for you know...

Monday, June 17, 2024 Great News!

I have great news for you.You can begin again.No matter where you are in life or what has happened you can start over.Everyday you get a brand new opportunity to reinvent yourself.You have the ability...

Saturday, June 15, 2024 Trust Your Own Guidance

Trusting your own guidance.Sometimes, you are faced with things that you may have a feeling about.You often ignore those feelings because you only want to see and believe that something is what you wa...

Monday, June 10, 2024 Break Free From Generational Programming

Break free from generational programming.The energy and beliefs you grew up with become a very big part of who you are.Even if those beliefs and energies no longer resonate with who you are today, the...

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