Your presence is requested.
It’s easier today than ever before to not live your life in presence.
To lose the very present moment from the massive distractions for your attention is part of your greatest challenge now.
Spending time with those you love, really looking, listening, and being with them, seems to be somewhat of a lost art.
To focus on what’s here and now has become trickier because you may not be totally aware of what pulls your attention away.
You may not be aware that the ways you become distracted from the present moment are making you miss out on what life is trying to bring you.
When you get caught up in your thoughts of what you have to do, what happened before, or what you’re afraid will not happen, you lose any chance you had of creating joy.
When you imagine worst-case scenarios in your mind, the present moment no longer seems relevant or important.
But it so is.
Being truly present means letting go of everything else and focusing on what's in front of you.
You let go of the overwhelment and stress so you can participate in what's here for you.
You begin to notice things like the beautiful sky and the smiles of strangers.
You become available to the magic and the amplification of magic at this time of year.
Being present means you don't miss anything and are available for life at a higher level.
You no longer play the victim to your mind or to any other thing that pulls energy away from you.
Instead, you notice what’s here and spend time in a calm mind, which allows you to enjoy yourself more.
You turn off the distractions and allow yourself to just be.
There is so much more here for you to experience, and now is the time to notice.
Your life is now.