It’s just one big radio station.
When you begin to get a handle on your thoughts, you can start to have more control over your emotions as well.
Since your emotions are energy in motion, this is where you dial in and promote more of what comes next.
When you tune into thoughts and stay there for a while, you evoke emotions, which sets up more energy that is like it in motion toward you.
This is why tuning into drama, and the lower fields of anger, disappointment, aggravation, worry, and fear trap you in a momentum that makes you feel like life really sucks.
It’s important to control your vibration by deciding moment by moment how you want to feel and what you would like more of.
You no longer need to be a victim of your emotions.
You can live in a much more powerful state that allows you to know that life is really good more often.
As soon as you start tipping the scales towards feeling better, you tune yourself into the best stations and set up a momentum of better and better things to come.
This is a science-based process, but it is also a very spiritual way of living because it engages your faith that there is a Divine connection that goes to the very heart of who you are.
You are love first, and because of that, you can tune into that love anytime you decide you want to experience more of the love of life and the thrill of the ride.