Getting back to center.
When something less than optimal happens to you, it can be easy to spin out.
It may feel like your emotions are getting the better of you, and you have no control over your thoughts or feelings.
You then spiral into an onslaught of negativity that comes with all sorts of detrimental thoughts that take you down the rabbit hole.
This is a pattern that is driven by an unhealed persona.
When you are not conscious of what is driving this behavior, you will feel you cannot change it.
The other challenge is that even when you know about it, awareness doesn’t totally change it, either.
But you need to start somewhere.
To come back to the center and really take charge of your emotional field, you must confront the wounds that are driving you.
Get super quiet and introspect on what’s really going on with you and where it started.
Asking, “What am I really feeling?” and then, “When was the first time I felt this way?” is a great way to get back to the center.
As you navigate the memories, understand that the way you acted in the past was for survival, and the way you are acting now is a choice.
Then, ask for this to be cleared and breathe deeply to release its energy hold on you.
Moving forward, it’s choosing different thoughts that support your healing journey.
You are here as a whole, loved, and supported being who came for the journey of discovering your true self once again.
Once you understand this and start playing the game at this level, you become more powerful in what you create.
Creating yourself as a brand new, whole, and healed person is completely possible because you hold all the power.