Break the cycle.

If you are interested in living a better life it would serve you best to start with your very own mind.

So much of what doesn’t go well for you starts there first.

As you entertain each thought that your mind gives you to think about, you create your life through the process of the meanings you give to things that are happening.

The inner dialogue either keeps you in cycles that keep things the same or can liberate you from them.

Deciding that you will no longer think and act certain ways starts with each passing thought you grab onto.

If you no longer want to be in lack of money you have to let go of all the thoughts about not having enough.

If you would like better health you have to let go of all the ways you dis the ease in your life.

Choosing your thoughts around each subject of your life to be of a higher quality provides you with new ways of trusting that things are working out for you.

Taking the time to quiet your mind gives you the space you need to be in charge of which thoughts you will focus on.

Waking up to life, to possibility, and to new ways of doing things is a powerful way to live and attract better things.

It all begins with you.

It all starts now.

May be an image of 1 person, ocean, twilight, horizon and beach