What’s calling your attention?

As soon as you decide to focus on something, you tune into it, and it becomes more.

Like a radio station, you tune your attention to different stations all day long.

The longer you stay on the station, the more emotions you evoke about that station, and that’s what gets energy moving.

So, what stations are you tuning into, and how do they make you feel?

When you feel frustrated, irritable, or angry you are on a station that will bring you more things that are upsetting.

If you are tuning into lack in your life and never feel like there’s enough, you tune yourself into unexpected bills and being short on the rent.

When you tune into things that don’t make you feel good, you set yourself up for a life that feels worse and worse.

Music is a beautiful thing to tune into because it interrupts your neural pathways and can instantly tune your vibration into something higher (if it’s music that evokes good feelings).

Think of your life like a big radio station and tune into what brings you the most light-hearted, joy-filled feelings.

Keep that station on in your mind and the expansion of so many good things will find their way to you.

May be an image of 1 person, horizon, twilight and ocean