Let’s be clear.

Clear about your intentions and what you are creating.

Decide for yourself in each moment how you want to feel and focus your attention towards the thoughts that enhance the way you feel about life.

Stop spending so much time on thoughts and ideas that activate fear, worry, and dissatisfaction.

It is so easy to find reasons to be dissatisfied because you are trained to be a fixer of problems.

But if you really want to thrive you have to start being more deliberate with focusing on those things that activate the good feelings within you.

You must consistently remind yourself of what you want to happen and what is good now in order to tune into a higher frequency.

You are doing better than you are allowing yourself to believe.

Sometimes, you just get caught up in a low frequency, and that’s ok.

It’s part of the process of understanding frequency and what tunes you low or high.

When you find yourself in a low frequency you provide yourself with an even greater capacity to go higher.

You have come so far and you are so worthy of knowing the truth.

The truth that you are powerful, life is precious, and the present moment is where all your power is.