Currency of trust.

If you can begin to contemplate that everything that happens for you benefits you, then you are living in an awakened state.

When faith and trust become your set point, there is nothing you can’t navigate within your power.

When you draw on your Divine partnership and trust that those forces are aligned with your best interests, you can activate the peace you have within.

As you let go of the resistance and step into the flow of well-being, all the turmoil gets washed away.

Worrying, tension, and stress begin to fade, and what is left is a life from which you can create joy.

There is no doom and gloom if you decide that there isn’t.

By walking around feeling like you are screwed, you get your energy field in a bind that doesn’t allow good energy to flow to you.

If you can rise above the noise, the circumstances, and what might happen and decide that it’s all happening for your growth, you will begin to win.

No matter what happens, you will all become more.

Work on not feeling like the good in life is lost because someone outside of you tells you it is.

The peace you are seeking comes from the currency of trusting that life is playing out to benefit your growth.

Just take a breath and trust.

May be an image of 1 person, twilight and horizon