Everything that’s happening is for your good.
When you experience things in life you didn’t want, you can respond with feelings of powerlessness.
You then may resist and fight against what is happening, so you have no chance of finding the good.
You may get upset with yourself and others and feel like, “This shouldn’t have happened.”
Regret is a great way to ruin your life.
By understanding that all things that happen give you a greater capacity for growth and joy, you will see things turning quicker in your favor.
By accepting and not fighting what is going on, you will welcome in an energy that allows life to flow in a positive direction.
By embracing this journey with all of its ups and downs believing things will work out you, sends the signal to things working out really well.
All things are subject to your judgment about them.
That judgment sends the signal to the field of energy that either brings you more of what you want or less.
You are a major player in all of this.
Take a deep breath, decide what you want to happen, interrupt any doubts that it will work out for you, and then go on your merry way of creating exactly that.
The attitude you have and the meaning you give to things determines how things will play out.
The better you feel about things sets you up for better things coming to you.
It really is that simple.