Find your paradise.
Follow the path to your greatest excitement, and everything you desire will unfold.
As you decide to live your life fully and leave survival mode for good, you will move up to a new way of being.
We lived in survival mode for a long time.
It wasn’t until we decided to follow our hearts and move to where we really wanted to live that things began to change.
At first, it would seem we had made a mistake; survival mode would hit once again, and the threat of homelessness could have sent us running back to our old selves.
But instead, we leveled up.
We made a strong decision not to respond in fear, and we became really good at understanding how energy works.
Being in survival mode meant we felt there was never enough, so we started noticing what was abundant all around us.
We let go of fear and stood stronger in our faith and the belief that we had come too far to fail.
We felt our lives changing before we had evidence.
Following your dreams may not seem possible right now.
It takes a firm decision to focus on what excites you and brings you joy.
It takes leaps of faith and even incremental better responses that really change the energy around you.
You were born to find your bliss.
If you want to start small, start with a decision.
The decision that you deserve the very best life has to offer, and there is no reason to feel fear or lack any longer.
It all begins within you.
You get to decide.