For the love of self.

Let go of the tendency you have to beat yourself up.

Getting upset and saying harsh things to yourself is quite unproductive.

It keeps you in cycles that don’t allow you to grow.

The reason is, you can’t see the lesson if your living in regret of the mistake.

Everything you walk through is an important part of what you came here to know.

As you walk through life you may feel you haven’t always gotten it right.

But the truth is, you have always done the best you could with what you understood at the time.

There were many things you did because you didn’t have the consciousness to support a different decision.

The regret and unforgiveness you feel towards yourself doesn’t allow you to live fully now.

By letting go of what happened before, you ensure that you leave that state and enter a different one.

If you really want a clean slate for creating you have to let go of what happened before and decide who you want to be now.

Professing that you are not good at something only keeps that active in your life.

You can always learn and grow into the ideal person who has everything you say you want.

It will all happen so much faster for you if you love yourself, forgive yourself, and move from the worthiness that you truly are.

May be an image of nature