Healing the mother wound.

If you have a strained relationship with your mother, there are a few things to consider.

Your biological family is not always one that is designed to be supportive or positive.

Often the family that you chose is because of the expansion and growth you wanted to experience.

Your mother carried you into the world with her own set of agendas for her own spiritual growth.

Often, our biological family is not on the same spiritual path we are.

If you have experienced a lot of lack or powerlessness from your family, it is so that you can discover how powerful and abundant you are.

You see, you cannot know your power until you know your powerlessness.

Stepping out of blame and victimhood is a good start to discovering the power that you really have.

Deciding that your mother has done the best she can with what she knew will allow you to forgive and move forward.

Breaking generational traumas by deciding to heal is the best thing you can do for yourself and those you become a parent to.

Looking for positive aspects and focusing on them about your mother will help the relationship heal and become more positive.

Remember, what you focus on always expands.

No one is wrong for where they are or how they navigate the world.

You are all on a path of discovery and decision in every moment you get to live.

You don’t have to excuse all the bad behavior, but you can move forward in love and compassion that will improve your life and the lives of those around you.

May be an image of tree, twilight and horizon