Why things dont always work out for you.


Overtime you have developed an expectation that you should always expect the worst to happen.


When you were younger you were told to always have a plan B because plan A was likely to fail.


“Prepare for the worst!” You were told and that has set you up on a trajectory of life where you may feel life is always working against you.


Many of you have adopted beliefs that you are unlucky or if things do go your way it won’t be long before something goes wrong.


“If it’s too good to be true.” Is another saying that has kept you from believing or trusting in the good that comes to you.


And if you haven’t experienced any good for some time then you know these programmings are working to keep the beliefs alive that life sucks and then you die.


But there’s another way to live and there are some important things for you to know and remember.


You are not here to live an unlucky, sucky life.


You are here to expand and grow and allow the challenges to fuel your growth.


You are here to see the magic of life transpire before you in ways that instill beliefs in you that things can work out for you.


It may take a little time to unravel the beliefs you have lived and to start saying and knowing that all things are working out for you.


It’s a good idea to address those underlying feelings of  unworthiness or unluckiness and ask where they started.


Then it’s as simple as asking for them to go and choosing new thoughts that help instill new beliefs.


Like these:


I believe in my ability to focus on the good.


I accept what’s happening and feel strongly things will work out for me.


No matter what happens I trust that there is a great plan that will allow me to manifest what I want.


These are all great interrupters of your old stories that will change the field in which you are creating from.


It would serve you to lighten up, stop taking everything so seriously, and move from the highest intentions.


What you want matters.


How you think, feel, and believe creates.


Why not create the very best case scenarios in your mind so you can then allow them to unfold in your life?