Jealousy blocks the flow of blessings to you.

When you feel jealous and allow someone else’s good fortune to activate negative feelings, you take away from what their journey is trying to show you.

When you feel unworthy or unlucky, thinking everyone else can get things and you can’t, you keep yourself in a state of lack and misery.

These low vibrational states do not allow your very own blessings to flow because you are not in the belief that it can happen to you.

Instead of feeling jealous and comparing your life to others, you can use their manifesting to fuel your journey.

Everything is about clarity.

Those around you are showing you what is possible, and because they are in your field of vision, it’s even more probable than possible.

If you witness two people in love and feel sad, then you aren’t in alignment with that love finding you.

If you see someone on vacation or living in luxury and feel upset because you are always struggling, you keep yourself from realizing true abundance.

This is all about tuning into the life you want to live.

No one is creating something that is beyond your ability to do the same or even better.

Start being happy and excited for others, and soon, those blessings can flow into your life as well.

Take the time to wish others well and let go of the belief that you aren’t worthy of all the good stuff.

It’s easy to hold yourself apart from the things you most desire, but it doesn’t make for the ease and flow of a wonderful life experience.

You did not screw up your life, nor are you too far from anything that matters to you.

You can change your life with just a few tiny shifts, and being happy for others pays big dividends in manifesting your own happiness.

May be an image of 1 person, horizon, ocean, twilight and beach