Just keep going.

Some days, this is the best you can do.

Put one foot in front of the other and keep moving towards what’s calling you.

The best thing you can do is let go of having so many agendas and start following the flow of life’s energy.

When you are in resistance, you are fighting against life, and it becomes harder for solutions to find you.

When you radically accept what’s happened and decide that better things are coming, you get a much more positive signal than when you are upset about your current circumstances.

Gratitude will always set you free and cleans up the energy field in miraculous ways.

The need for things to go certain ways is what causes you so much anxiety.

Much of the time, you live in fear and an underlying state of powerlessness because you want to control situations so badly.

But the truth is you often don't have the Higher Perspective, and you don’t count on miracles that come to strengthen your faith.

If you want to stop acting like a victim and start creating from the Powers That Be, you must trust and know that it will all work out.

You always have the wisdom to navigate whatever comes down your path.

Just breathe and let go of the old ways of reacting so you can start responding in ways that allow all the goodness to come to you.

You can do this.

May be an image of 1 person, horizon, twilight and ocean