Keep remembering.

When you begin to awaken to your power to create life, amazing things begin to happen.

You have realizations and witness synchronicities that are unexplainable.

This doesn't mean you don't believe there are powers beyond you.

It's quite the opposite.

When you remember, you know that you have Divine intelligence on your side.

You then harness even more of the goodness life has to offer because you no longer forget who you are.

This may take some time since the awakening process is all about your willingness to take responsibility for how you feel and noticing the evidence of what is then created.

The journey continues to call to you in fantastic ways, but if you go back to being powerless, it may not feel that way.

The truth is that in order to stay awake, you need reminders and a daily commitment to faith-filled thought patterns.

You have to learn to practice letting go and trusting that you are always benefitting from every little thing.

Taking a step back from your problems and worries to see the higher perspective allows you to maintain a view that keeps you from getting wrapped up in the dramas.

Your happiness here is based on how well you can navigate the different pathways and still remain awake to your power.

There will be many attempts made to get you to forget once again.

But since you are here to remember, you will keep showing yourself that the progress you are making is always worth remembering.

You will get better and better at this over time until it becomes your new normal to trust and have faith.

Then, you will draw from the guidance you have within, which comes from your connection with the All That Is.

This is when your eyes can remain open to a world that unfolds in the most magical ways.

Then life becomes really, really good.

May be an image of nature