Keep zooming out.

When you get too close to a problem you cannot see a solution.

When you put the blinders on to what is good in life and only focus on what’s going wrong, you deplete your life of getting better.

When you are so zoned in on what you don’t prefer you leave no room for what you do.

Feeling dissatisfied comes from the mechanism of the mind to get you to focus on problems.

It’s a programming you have maybe always built your life on and that’s why things haven’t gone great.

But as you read this something is happening or has already started happening to shift you out of the limited view of chasing problems.

You are waking up.

You are beginning to understand that you are here for love, joy, and fun.

You are taking matters into your own mind and deciding that you DO have a lot to be grateful for.

You are leaving the funk behind and seeing the beauty that’s right in front of you.

You are waking up grateful for your health, your loved ones, and another chance to create more good in the world.

You are letting go of those things that steal your joy and taking your power back in many different ways.

You let go of victimhood and decide what you want for your life and that it’s possible.

So many things are going on within you that can now come through you.

This isn’t wishful or hopeful thinking this is intentional, decisive energy that your life is yours to make better.

This is having faith and feeling worthy of always noticing what is great.

This is living life full out and getting the most out of your own potential to create something wonderful.

#lifeisgood #lifeisbeautiful #manifest #manifestation #lawofattraction #wakeup #gratitude #awakening #manifestyourdreams #manifestyourlife

May be an image of water and ocean