Know your power.

Waking up to your power may be one of the greatest things you can do for yourself.

This may present a challenge in the way that you must give up victimhood and focusing on problems.

This has been something you have been programmed to be because you have been asleep to your power.

Letting go of blaming the outside world for your troubles is a big step in taking your power back.

You cannot be powerful and a victim at the same time.

In order to be powerful you must work on your belief systems that have created more of what you do not want.

The cycles of loss you have experienced can end today if you decide and wake up to what is better for you.

Your thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and vision for the future truly matters in what comes next.

What you believe about yourself and the world around you is sending the signal for more of that to come to you.

If you want to create real change, you must start by waking up.

Removing the belief systems that keep you down and start reaching for the ones that will bring you to better places.

Much of this happens when you wake up to your worthiness.

When you start claiming the goodness that you are and start living from your brilliance.

You matter.

Your desires matter.

And as you stake your claim on the life you prefer to live the energy that creates worlds will assist you.

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