Those thoughts, though.

Did you know you are not your thoughts?

Once I realized this it changed the game.

I became aware of my thoughts and began creating space where I could choose the ones that were better.

You see, your mind likes to work on problems.

So, most of your thoughts are rooted in dissatisfaction and the worries of the world.

When you separate yourself from the habit of this you become most powerful.

When you exercise your right to reach higher, focusing on what’s going well,  you put yourself in a whole new world.

It’s the world of higher vibes.

It’s where abundance, joy, and love live.

It’s actually who you are and who you have the ability to be.

It’s the keys to the Kingdom.

What you focus on expands, so when you change your thoughts, you truly change your life.

What trips many of you up is the amount of times you have to interrupt the BS.

The momentum is strong, so your determination has to be stronger.

Keep reaching.

You are worth it.

Life is good, and it always has the potential to get even better.

Now think about that!