Negative emotion is just forgetting.

When you are experiencing negative emotion, you are focusing from the lower part of yourself.

The part of yourself who forgets how powerful you are and what is good in your life.

When you get down or spend time in anger or fear, you are living from a very dense perspective.

This perspective doesn’t allow you to see or feel what good could happen or what is even great right now.

Your negative emotion can blow things out of proportion, make mountains out of molehills, and keep you in a cycle of creating what you don’t want.

To let your negative emotion go and remember the truth of your existence is the nature of playing the game at full power.

When you understand that nothing serious is going on here because you are powerful enough to change it, you can relax into the ease and flow that is your right.

When you take a step back, remind yourself that you are on a journey, and stop feeling so impatient and doubtful, you start to feel better.

And the better you feel from letting the negative stuff go, the better things get.

Same goes for the negative, the worse you feel the worse things get.

Your job is to remember.

To place yourself back into your remembering by focusing on what is good, how far you have come, and how much power you have to influence what happens next.

You feel better every time you decide to trust, have faith, and decide that you will win.

There is always a way to remember your true power.

I am here to remind you.