What happens when you receive positive information?
What you pay attention to matters.
As you take in positive information it shifts your energy into a better place.
When you feel better, you then create better.
If you read these posts each day, you get a refresher into the positive vibrations that are available to you and within you.
A shift into remembering that you have the power to create.
It’s also true about music.
The high-vibe music that evokes feelings of light-heartedness and fun becomes a way for you to tap back into your true nature.
This is why it’s so important to direct your attention to what is uplifting.
With each positive thing you focus on, you tune yourself to more of the goodness that is in the world.
The more you watch the news or take part in complaining about what’s not right, the more you tune yourself into unhappiness and misery.
This isn’t about putting your head in the sand.
This is about rising above the noise that influences you in negative ways.
Even if you have people in your life that focus on the negative, you can influence them by speaking of positive things and being less gloom and doomy.
Have conversations that are about the good in life, put on some great music, go out in nature, and spend time quieting your mind.
You are shifting your energy field in each moment and influencing those around you.
Don’t you want to spend time focusing on what positively impacts your world?
Why wouldn’t you want to feel better so you can create better?