Is it time for a reset?

If you have been thinking about things in a certain way for a long time and nothing is changing, it may be time for a reset.

A fresh perspective and an amplification of energy are great ways to infuse the energy field with change.

Are there things you haven’t considered when it comes to manifesting your desires?

Since you have habits of thought and well-worn neural pathways, it can be easy to think and conduct energy exactly the same way day in and day out.

Good questions to ask are, “How can I act on my passion more?”


“How can I be more of who I say I want to be?”

Asking these questions and then quieting your mind will open your mind to new possibilities.

Decide that you are in the perfect place for change, and there is no such thing as being stuck.

Become super aware of what’s going on around you, and expect new things to come to you.

Take new roads to work or switch up your routine to activate new possibilities.

Do something outside of your comfort zone that you have always wanted to do, and you keep making excuses about it.

Your life is about expansion and growth, not paying your bills until you die.

Get out there and live more.

Seek the fun, the adventure, and the potentials you have to live the gifts you have been given.

If you are unhappy you can decide today to connect more with those things that do create happiness.

It’s a choice, and the choice is yours!

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