I just got back from an awesome trip back East and didn't have my computer to send my posts to your email.  If you would like to see my posts everyday you can find them on my facebook Goldyn Duffy or my Instagram @livelifegoldyn.  Also you can check out my show on my Youtube or podcast channel Manifest To Live Life Goldyn for more information on how to become a powerful creator in your life. 




Say yes to more life.

Each time you say yes to new experiences and opportunities, you become more.

By saying yes, you promote a signal of faith and trust that things will work out for you.

Raising the bar in your life takes some leaps of faith and the knowledge that you get what you want by taking chances.

It may seem better to stay safe and the same, but it doesn't give you the thrills and chills that truly make you feel alive.

Your journey here is to grow.

To show yourself just how powerful you can be when you decide you are.

One of the thrilling parts about this life is recognizing Universal orchestration and feeling the support you have that goes beyond this reality.

You really can't screw this up or make a mistake because its all leading you to the expansion that serves you better.

Stop letting your logic talk you out of what your heart is calling you to.

Your hopes and dreams matter.

Once you decide you can do what calls to you and start taking a few steps forward, you will see just how miraculous life is and how wonderful it is to be a major player in how it plays out.

Just say yes.

May be an image of horizon, ocean and twilight