You can stop the struggle now.

When you are struggling against life it becomes a never-ending exhaustive road.

When you wake up every day and treat life like a battlefield you become at war with what’s trying to make it easier for you.

If you are always aligning with the feelings and thoughts of struggle you will continue to do so.

How do I know?

Because I struggled with many things for a long time.

But I am a seeker and I kept searching until I found a better way.

I am no longer begging for a better life.

We went out and created it!

By understanding that you are the great conductor of your life and you are sending out signals to what comes to you is a huge part of releasing yourself from the struggle.

By understanding your worth and standing in it by living from your value your life then can show you just how valuable you are.

By being the best, thinking the best thoughts, and valuing the preciousness of all you have been given you will raise your vibe and life to new places.

By focusing on what you love, what excites you, and what you have to appreciate you put yourself in a whole new realm where struggle doesn’t live.

Many of you are struggling because you don’t believe in the power you have to create.

You forget that this is a co-creative partnership and you have Infinite Intelligence on your side.

There is so much more for you to discover about your very own life that you should be very excited and not in dread.

The point of your existence is growth, not struggle.

So when you finally let go, surrender, and start focusing on what’s good and what good you want to happen you will catapult yourself into the next great thing.

May be an image of beach, horizon, twilight and ocean