The power you have.

It’s truly amazing just how powerful you are.

Because you have free will, you can choose to operate from any range of emotions.

At any moment, you can decide to let go of fear and move toward your dreams.

Or you can stay safe and where you believe is comfortable for longer.

You can rise above any situation and change it by realizing that you can.

In every moment of life, you can look at the bright side or the side that makes you complain more.

Depending on how you decide to focus, your results will vary.

As you focus on what’s not good about things, you will create more reasons to not feel good.

When you awaken, you begin to choose differently.

You understand that what you focus on expands, so you become more diligent in focusing on what good is happening and what good is to come.

You hang up your victim hat once and for all, and you bless the life you live by taking full responsibility for the signals you are sending.

You send lots of gratitude and waves of love to all you are creating by noticing how precious life really is.

You no longer take for granted the simple pleasures and beauty because you see it now without the veil of problems clouding your vision.

What a wonderful creation you are creating!

The really, really good stuff is available today!