Trusting your own guidance.

Sometimes, you are faced with things that you may have a feeling about.

You often ignore those feelings because you only want to see and believe that something is what you want it to be.

You may disregard warning signs and become confused, which causes you to ignore your inner guidance.

If something feels off it most likely is.

Becoming clear means you sit quietly and see situations for what they really are.

You go within and ask for guidance, no longer ignoring the signs that are right in front of you.

You then investigate what feels off from a more neutralized position that offers a higher perspective.

You have all the power to know if something is right inside of you.

Be real and understand that beating yourself up for not seeing things you were blind to does not contribute to your growth.

The process of following your intuition is one that continues to get stronger and stronger as you become dedicated to listening to it.

Trust yourself, watch the energy, and always do your research.

Use everything that happens to benefit your growth and the wisdom that you receive from all of your experiences with no regrets.

May be an image of 1 person and practicing yoga