Understanding frequency.

The energy you send out determines which frequency you are on.

If you take notice of how you feel on each subject in your life you can determine the energy you are sending to each one.

That energy is like a radio station that you dial into by your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs.

The energy you send to everything and everyone is felt and established by you, whether you know it or not.

In order to raise your frequency you must decide that you can and do what it takes to raise yourself higher.

I highly suggest time in nature, quieting your mind, doing something you love, and having fun with friends and family.

A huge part of why you may not feel good is your disconnection from the earth.

The earth’s frequency restores your well-being and can aid in healing so many things (watch The Earthing Movie)

The lighter you can feel and focus, the lighter and more enjoyable your life becomes.

By using your own power to focus and acknowledge where you are vibing at will give you the keys to the trajectory of a better life.

When thinking in terms of frequency, imagine that the way you feel is the precursor to what you will experience next.

What you are sending out is what you get back.

If something isn’t the way you would like it to be, use it as an opportunity to show yourself how powerful you are.

Use the contrast or challenge to make you more determined to find the good and shift the outcome in your favor.

Often times your challenges provide you with an excellent opportunity to focus and gain knowledge on what you want to happen.

This is an important step in your evolution, and it gives you a greater capacity to love and feel joy.