What channel are you on?
Imagine that every morning, when you wake up, you flip on a certain channel.
The channels you surf are put on by the thoughts you pay attention to and the emotions that are evoked by those central thoughts.
Most of you don’t even feel like you have the remote because you are so used to your channels being put on by your reactions to outside circumstances or how other people are behaving.
You allow yourself to be flicked around by every random thought and concern that presents itself to you.
This creates a momentum for channels that are dramatic and can keep you up at night.
Because of the momentum you have created by being on channels you don’t prefer, you feel quite anxious and bothered a lot.
This doesn’t allow you to channel in on the well-being that you could be experiencing.
Many of you may have an addiction to the world news channels, and that causes separation, powerlessness, and fear.
If you could let go of all of that for a while and just allow yourself to listen to the channel that reminds you that life is good and everything is going to work out, you would be so much better off.
Don't let yourself be a puppet on a string by giving your remote to other people who don’t have your best interest at heart.
You have so much power over the channels you spend time on, and because of that, you have great power over your life.
Remember, no one can make you feel anything unless you give them the power to do so.
You can take your power back and decide today what channel you want to broadcast by focusing on what you want to see more of.
It’s good to ask yourself often, “What channel am I on?”
And then change it if it doesn’t show you what you want to see.
You can change the channel right now.