What if life wasn’t a race to get somewhere?

What if life is more about the finer moments?

What if life isn’t about crossing things off your to-do lists?

Running through life in business mode usually leaves you burned out and unfulfilled.

When you take a step back and start taking stock of what’s important, you can bring new energy and focus to your life.

Most don’t do this until they are threatened with an illness or a loved one suddenly passes on.

Everyone has this false sense that someday they will enjoy life.

But what if you started fulfilling your happiness now?

Maybe you could begin doing things now that make your heart sing.

Those things that light you up and excite you are indicators of the road you should be traveling on.

By saying you don’t have time now, you are saying you don’t have time to fulfill your life’s path.

Follow what excites you, and stop distracting yourself with being so in your head that you are missing the very beauty and pleasure of life.

Take some time to listen to your inner callings and consider what would truly satisfy you.

This isn’t about you being selfish.

It’s about you no longer feeling obligated to please people and ignoring your own desires.

When you live your life full of passion and gusto, you cast a spotlight on a world that can deliver all that you have been asking for.

Your life is now.

May be an image of horizon, tree and twilight