What kind of energy imprint are you leaving on the world?

As you walk through your day, you are affecting the energy around you.

When you smile, genuinely care, and are light-hearted with others, you send out a signal to more goodness for you and for them.

When you are angry, impatient, and triggered, you leave an imprint that can cause others to feel they are having a bad day.

Being the light for others isn’t something you can necessarily fake.

You must build a foundation for it within yourself, and it truly does matter in the world of creation.

When you prioritize your peace and tranquility in life, you become a valuable asset to raising the vibe wherever you go.

When you make the day better for yourself, you create a ripple effect that spreads and becomes more.

Your baseline state or mood is always determined by how you feel and what comes to you.

If you want to experience better days with better interactions, you have to start with yourself and work on feeling better about the world by doing the inside landscaping.

You must decide to focus on those things that promote your well-being and not give so much attention to what brings you down.

No one can make you feel any certain way; however, you are all capable of triggering positive or negative emotions in each other.

The more of you who decide that you would like more peace and good times, the better the world will be.

The energy you sprinkle around the world creates the momentum for how you think and feel.

What are you spreading?

May be an image of grass, horizon, twilight and fog