When things don’t go the way you want.

There are very important reasons why things don’t always turn out the way you had hoped.

At first, you cannot see it, so you become resistant and fight against what’s happened.

Even though you can’t change it, you go through the lower emotions of anger, sadness, grief, frustration, and powerlessness.

These emotions are necessary because they help you create the desire for what you do want.

So often, the challenging things that feel less than great open you to new possibilities and allow you to see life in a new way.

Nothing steals your joy except your perception of what has transpired.

The beautiful thing about this is you can soften your stance and change your perception at any time by deciding that things are not so bad.

You can decide that good things are coming and that everything is working out for the greater good.

Within the framework of your negative emotion you can call in some healing and dig down to find out why you feel so bad.

This allows you to clear old wounds and step into your power even more.

Everything that is happening has happened or will happen is an opportunity for you to become more of who you truly are, not less.

Take a breath, my friends. Your life is exactly on the track it was intended for.

Let go of what is stealing your joy by simplifying, getting out in nature, quieting your mind, and stepping away from the illusion for a bit.

Getting all caught up in things outside of you is a great way to give your power away.

Go inside and decide to use what you are going through to heal and become even more connected to the love that you are

May be a doodle of shiitake mushrooms, mushroom and text