When tragedy strikes.

Your world becomes altered.

The ground beneath your feet disappears.

You can no longer be you because that version of you is gone.

You may no longer feel safe or trust that everything works out.

So much of tragedy seems senseless to you.

But you walk on.

You traverse and continue to live through the pain.

You watch as the world supports you and walks you through the unthinkable.

You allow others to hold you up and love you more.

You walk through each moment with such a different perspective of life that the small things you worried about no longer exist.

You get up each day and face the new world.

You become a new version of you because you have to.

Some may say the pain never goes away. It just becomes part of the fabric of who you are.

You are placed on people’s path as you heal, and you see them through their world-altering experiences.

You awaken to some of the purpose that makes you who you are today.

You are never the same and if you could go back and change things you would in a heart beat.

It may be hard to hear or believe that this new world you live in will go on.

But it will, and you will see miracles, love, and support you never knew existed.

You will be awakened to a new way to be and that’s the version that allows you to become more.