Remember this when you’re feeling down.

You are not your thoughts.

The perception you hold that causes you to feel low causes you to forget who you are.

When you focus on the negative things that have happened, could happen, or are happening, you cut yourself off from a better perspective.

If you could stop for a second and remember that life is yours to create.

By focusing on the fact that this moment is what creates the next moment and things can change for the good quite quickly can help you feel better.

Become determined to remember your reasons for being in love with life and get back to the simple beauties and pleasures available to you.

Stay focused on what you can do to create some well-being and take steps towards your mental, physical, and spiritual health.

Ask yourself, “What would be better for me right now?”

And then find a way to move in that direction.

It could be as simple as sitting outside enjoying nature or listening to some music you love.

It can be as easy as shifting your attention to all you have to appreciate in life and dwelling on what feels good.

This moment truly matters and determines what happens next.

As you focus and feel, you send the signal to what comes next.

Remember you are here to create a wonderful life and nothing needs to take you from knowing that everything is going to be ok.

Remember that you are here to take part in the power to create that which you are so worthy of.

It’s time to remember.
