Winning isn’t just about victory.

Winning in life is subject to the way you feel.

They have done studies of the happiest people on earth, and believe it or not, they’re not the most successful or wealthiest by our society's standards.

Winning has to do with how well you are navigating life and getting back up after you’re knocked down.

It’s how well you treat and are treated by others that constitutes a feeling of love and fulfillment.

It’s about following your heart and saying no to things that deteriorate your joy.

Winning is about waking up every day and instantly feeling grateful for the life you get to create.

It’s knowing deeply that you are here to expand and grow.

It’s about shifting every time something happens you don’t want into a place where you can manifest what you do.

Winning is taking control of your own mind and perceptions to send the signal to better outcomes.

Winning is stepping into the ring of life and doing your very best by not taking life for granted.

Winning isn’t about accumulating stuff; it’s about creating awesome experiences and sharing them with those you love.

Winning is quieting your mind so you can remember that you came here to win.

May be an image of ocean