You are doing so much better than you think.
Your mind likes to keep you the same, so it will keep giving you doubts and reasons to believe you’re not good enough.
Because many of you didn’t grow up with people around you who helped you form neural pathways of greatness, you have habits of thoughts that keep you down.
If you really want to outgrow this and go beyond the same old stories of disillusion, you have to stop believing that you are unworthy.
Those feelings of being unlovable and powerless were only formed so you could expand and grow from them, not so you could keep yourself small.
Where you are right now is the perfect place to grow past this.
To say enough is enough, and to stop listening to those shitty committee voices that keep you down.
It’s time to rise up and know that as you think you become.
As you get better at thinking good thoughts about yourself, you form new pathways that support your growth and greatness.
You can, at any time choose to begin the journey to a better you.
It’s not you becoming someone else. It’s you becoming the you that you always intended to be.
Quiet your mind.
Reach for higher thoughts.
And stand in the knowing that you came here for the path that leads to more of your greatness.
The time is now.