You have it so good.

It’s easy to forget how good things really are for you.

Because your mind likes to work on problems, it will often distract you with thoughts of dissatisfaction.

As you tune into those thoughts that create worry and distress, you set yourself up for forgetting all the good that is available to you.

The things that you take for granted can’t be appreciated when you are always noticing what’s wrong.

Your vibe cannot raise when you are complaining and picking apart the life you are living.

What really changes the field for the positive is noticing and being determined to pay attention to all the good that surrounds you.

Just the beauty of nature alone and your beautiful eyes to witness it is enough to turn your life around.

Appreciating the people, there is to love and noticing their best qualities can improve your relationships and what you experience in them.

Spend more time acknowledging what’s going well and focus less on what’s not perfect.

Before you know it,  things will begin to align more with more beauty, goodness, and love coming to you.

What you focus on expands.

When you raise the bar on what you focus on, you will then see how good life can become.

#manifesting #manifestation #appreciate #beauty #connecticut #lawofattraction #nature #meditate #meditatedaily #focus #lifeisgood

May be an image of scorpion grass