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Do you have underlying anger?  Do you often feel triggered and frustrated because you can't speak your truth until it comes out in anger?  Creating from healthy boundaries in your relationships will allow you to live your life more fully and from joy.  We often come from a lackful place in our relationships and can have trouble asking for what we need.  We live in  families and relationships that have taught us to avoid confrontation in an effort to try to keep the peace.  Because of this we suffer in silence until one day we can no longer keep quiet which can lend to relationships ending abruptly and more wounds being created.  Take your power back, stop allowing the victimhood of unhealthy boundaries to be part of what you experience and decide today that you will heal the wounds that keep you from healthy communication.  Goldyn shares personal stories and examples that will help you to see how much better life can be when you begin acknowledging your voice and creating from your wholeness.  Be sure to stay tuned to the end where she does a throat/heart chakra clearing to assist you in releasing the energy that is keeping you small.