Show Notes

Are you aware of your stress levels??  Do you have an indication of what causes your stress and a way to deal with that stress that promotes your health and well being?  Stress is a construct of the mind to keep us safe and the same.  It can keep us in a low vibrational frequency that activates more and more reasons to feel stress.  Stress is often a symptom of narrow perspectives and a forgetting of how powerful you truly are.  When we zoom out on life and take the time to forage our relationship with our own inner peace,  the higher frequencies of faith and trust become the energy our  life unfolds from.  With each challenge we show ourselves the power we have to create and turn our attention towards what we are wanting.  The contrast can then become a great way to wake us up and allow us to step into the energies of creating from our true desires.  Stress is an invitation to go within and heal something, not something to hide or distract ourselves from.  Listening to this show is an important part of activating better health and creating from a stronger determination to place yourself on the path of living your best life.