Show Notes

In this episode,  Goldyn breaks down the different ways energy is conducting and the seven steps you can take to ensure it manifests into what you most want.  When you know about energy conduction and realize that your response comes out into a wave of energy that breaks down into particles,  and becomes matter, you can create from the best potentials.  The challenging part to manifesting is our minds,  which tend to give us every reason to feel dissatisfied and always want to be in problem energy.  The first step to creating is initiating enough space between what happens and how you respond.  Once you recognize how your old responses have created less than optimal results you can change the way you respond and create what happens next.  Goldyn shares breathing techniques to help clear your mind and activate the clarity it takes to focus wholeheartedly on the solutions you are interested in manifesting.  In order to manifest a relationship in peace and harmony you must focus your responses in the frequency of peace and harmony.  If you want to activate more abundance in your life, you must stop feeling broke and being so anxious about your bills.  This show is a great way to recognize the ways in which you have been tuning into frequencies that are not allowing what you want to manifest to become physical.  By connecting with the way we respond to life we place ourselves firmly in the driver seat of conducting optimal energy in our lives.  By using the steps that Goldyn shares in this episode you can begin the process of no longer feeling like you have problems but instead that you are fully in resonance with the solution.  Be sure to listen until the very end,  when Goldyn does an energy release/activation to assist you in getting out of problem energy and into solution energy.  Her activation will help to tune you into all that you have been wanting to happen and introduce new Divine Energy Assistance in allowing something new to transpire and manifest within your field.  If you are interested in her upcoming Writer's Circle you can email her at livelifegoldyn@gmail for details.  Her book Quantum Speak can be found on Amazon.