Show Notes
This episode is one you won't want to miss. Pun intended! Goldyn discusses exactly what missing and being sad about days gone by actually activates in our experience. She shares the basis of sadness about the past and how it is actually resistance to your life right now. She gives 7 actionable steps you can take to move your life forward in the way you want so you can let go of and be happy about the memories you have created. When you get to the route of your low-frequency emotions you can heal from them and then decide what you actually want to create moving forward. By allowing yourself to feel and grieve you then open yourself up to wonders that this moment has to offer right here and right now. When you aren't wishing the present away you allow it to unfold into so much more. By not allowing your past to cast a shadow on your present you achieve so much in the way of creating the life you most want to live. This is the work it takes to begin manifesting what you most desire and this show gives you the keys to drive toward your most optimal destination. Be sure to stay tuned until the end when Goldyn does a special energy release to help any stuck energies leave your body. She then fills them back up with the light and high vibrational energy that promotes your well-being. Be sure to check out her Youtube channel so you can like, share and subscribe here:
Also, check out this episode for more on clearing grief
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