Join Goldyn on this epic releasing episode that will help you to let go of procrastination and step into the power you have to move from self-discipline. Your manifestational abilities are based on how well you move energy and engage with your power to create. In this episode you will receive an energy transmission that will allow you to get out of your old identity and start creating from the identity of the person you most say you want to be. Be sure to stay tuned to the end where Goldyn does a very important energy release to assist you in clearing your energy field to activate your power creator energy. She also shares a very cool manifestation story at the end that will assist you in your journey to become a watcher and master manifestor in your own life experience. #loa#procastinate#manifest#meditate#powerful#create#self-disciplline#identitycreation#universallaw#faith#trust#energyrelease #dreams#liveyourdreams#createyourreality#manifestation#release #procrastination#stopprocrastinating#livejoy#lovelife#takeyourpowerback