This episode is the key to unblocking your creative blocks!! Listen in as Goldyn shares the exact reasons why you have not been able to get those creative projects going or completed. She shares tried and true results to manifesting from your greatest potential and releasing the resistance that has held you back for way too long. Goldyn shares her own life experiences to the ways she has held herself back from creating in the past. This show is a great energy shifter in infusing new energy into your dreams and creative endeavors. The truth is there is resistance in everything creative we attempt to share with the world because of childhood wounds, fear of being seen, and many other ways the mind works to keep us safe and the same. Goldyn references Steven Pressfield's book once again, The War of Art because it is such a great indicator of the different ways we experience resistance to the creative calls of our heart. This episode will help you discover some of the unconscious ways you have held yourself back and how to overcome those things so you can begin sharing your voice, gifts and talents with the world. There are many ways we talk ourselves out of what we actually would create a life of passion, abundance and joy from and Goldyn would like to shed light on those things so that you can release and up level from the challenge. Life is so much less than when we allow ourselves to stay in life-sucking jobs, less than experiences and a quiet desperation that doesn't allow our dreams to actualize. If it's time for you to shine your light, look for her video on her new programming launching soon The Creative's Circle and take your dream from the energetic world and activate the energy that brings it into the physical. A dream unrealized is a life lived unfulfilled!!
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