Monday, November 1, 2021 Episode 33. Gaining Confidence & Becoming the Leader in Your Life

In this episode Goldyn shares the different ways you may be cutting yourself off from the true, amazing confident being that you really are.  She shar...

Monday, October 25, 2021 Episode 32. Breaking the Habit of Being Stressed Out

Are you aware of your stress levels??  Do you have an indication of what causes your stress and a way to deal with that stress that promotes your heal...

Monday, October 18, 2021 Episode 31. The Quest For Perfection & Outside Validation

Perfectionism is something we all may strive for and it is rooted in childhood wounds and standards that we have learned can be hard to live up to.  T...

Monday, October 11, 2021 Episode 30. Stop Being a People Pleaser and Start Loving Yourself!!!

Join Goldyn in this in depth conversation about how to heal from being a people pleaser.  She shares examples from her own life about the ways in whic...

Tuesday, October 5, 2021 Episode 29. Creating a Healthy Emotional Field. Controlling Your Emotions So They Don't Control You.

Our emotions are not something we have been taught to embrace.  For many of us growing up we found ourselves punished or sent to our rooms anytime a n...

Monday, September 27, 2021 Episode 28. Envy. How to Stop Being Jealous and Start Creating Your Life

Envy is an energy that blocks the flow of the blessings that are here for you.  As you heal your tendency to feel and create from jealousy,  you  open...

Monday, September 20, 2021 Episode 27. Release Anger & Resentments. Your Soul's Evolution

This episode is going deep!!  Enlighten your journey by understanding what resentment and anger energy  is creating in your life.  By comprehending wh...

Monday, September 13, 2021 Episode 26. GO GET IT!! Activating the Energy of Your Determination!

In this episode you will come to  a better understanding of procrastination and the ways in which you may be holding yourself back.  Join Goldyn as sh...

Tuesday, September 7, 2021 Episode 25. Get Out of Misery and Start Being an Uplifter!

So often in life we can live from split energy.  We say we want things that we are not willing to do anything that activates the energy to help us cre...

Tuesday, August 31, 2021 Episode 24. Navigating the Rough Patches & Bouncing Back

When life calls you to challenges and you feel as though you are dealing with unwanted things at every turn,  it can be easy to lose faith and feel wo...

Monday, August 23, 2021 Episode 23. Take Your Power Back!!

In a world where we may be facing so much contrast it can be easy to activate a feeling of powerlessness.  We can often tune into frequencies and beli...

Monday, August 16, 2021 Episode 22. Forgiveness. Freeing Yourself From Your Negative Stories of the Past

Forgiveness is your opportunity to heal.  When you release yourself from regret and resentments,  you free yourself to live more of your joy.  Realizi...

About Goldyn

Do you have trouble manifesting? Have you felt unlucky and like things don’t always work out for you? Would you like to know how the Laws of the Universe work so well that you become someone who can create what you desire? Whatever it is that you are looking to become in your life, I can help you! I have experienced many challenges in life, and through them all, I have discovered how to become even more successful despite my circumstances. Through my podcast, you will not only receive information that will assist you in becoming that which you dream about, but you will also receive the energy transmission that makes it all possible. You will receive the belief in yourself that you can be, do, or have anything your dreams are calling you to.

Goldyn Duffy is an expert in manifesting and expanding into the spiritual realm. She is skilled at helping you access the trauma energy that you may still be creating from your experience. 

Her methods are unconventional, and her leadership is incredibly transformative.  When you work with Goldyn you change every aspect of your life in exponential ways. She only accepts a very limited amount of clients and often has a waiting list to work with her. 

To be considered as one of her VIP clients, send an email to livelifegoldyn@gmail.com to apply. 


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